Is Survey Say a Scam?

Last Updated on May 4, 2022

Is Survey Say a scam? Online paid surveys – been there, done that. I’m pretty sure you can relate to me, as well. That may be the reason why you have found your way here to my Survey Say review.

You may be thinking and wondering if this online paid survey website really provides you a legit and guaranteed way of earning money online. Of course, in this age wherein you’ve presented something that seems too good to be true – it probably is.

So, here in My Own Admin, it’s always the best ideal and practice to research about a product first before fully engaging and committing yourself to it – especially if it’s a make money online opportunity which concerns your hard-earned money and precious time.

I’m so glad you have found your way here to see if Survey Say is something worthy to invest your time on!

Let me just disclose this, I am not in any way associated with Survey Say. You can expect this review to be fair, unbiased, and particularly coming from a third party point of view.

Rest assured, I am not here to sales pitch you anything. Rather, I’m serving you real facts and truths about Survey Say on a silver platter.

Without further ado, let’s get right into this Survey Say review!

Survey Say Review

Product Name: Survey Say
Founder: Undisclosed
Logo: survey say logo
Product Description: Online paid surveys website
Best For: NO ONE
Recommended: NO


What is Survey Say?

survey say homepage

Survey Say is a website which provides you with online paid surveys as a way to earn money online by completing these. This website does not provide you with exclusive surveys they formulate themselves. Rather, Survey Say is a middleman website which redirects you to other online paid survey websites. So, why bother with Survey Say then? 

Well, for one thing – you can have your accounts in these survey websites all aggregated in one simple user interface. You could say it takes out the pain and hassle in having the need to jump back and forth these websites. Survey Say redirects you to some third party online paid survey websites like Global Test Market, I-Say, MySurvey, Opinion Outpost, and Toluna.

Survey Say was introduced to the public back in 2008. However, within 11 years of public introduction, there is still no trace of information on the founders of this website. All there’s disclosed is that its main office is headquartered in Herndon, Virginia. Well, that escalated quickly. We’re only in the first part of this post and my scam detector is already going haywire.

Is Survey Say a scam? As of now, the answer to this question seems kind of vague. So, to address that, let’s first us understand how this online paid survey website really works from the inside. 


How Does Survey Say Work?

Just like any other online paid survey website out there, you would first have to sign up to receive surveys to answer and you can do that for free! For signing up, all you have to provide are your email address, birth date, country of origin, and gender. Nope, you don’t have to create your own password. When you complete the sign-up procedure, you will be directed to your dashboard.

Once there, you will find links to their affiliate online paid survey websites like Toluna, Global Test Market, among others. There, again, you would have to sign up individually to these websites or just choose which you think you would benefit from the most. When you have finished signing up to these websites, you can never ever overlook filling out your demographic information before proceeding to answer surveys.

Why though? It’s pretty simple, actually. Businesses and companies within different industries are always on the lookout for the opinions of the market so that they would have the information they would need in developing and improving their products and services. Some companies are privileged enough to have their own department dedicated to research and development. While some companies rely on online paid survey websites to provide them this information.

survey say market research

Now of course, since these surveys are for research and development purposes, it’s only natural for them to have a strict standard for them to know if a survey recipient fits perfectly into this prerequisite. They do this by having you fill out this demographic information. It determines if they should send you a survey invite or not. This also determines how much survey invites you can receive and how much money can you earn, mostly depending on whether companies care about the people in your specific demographic.

Once you have finished completing your demographic information, they either send you survey invites through email or directly on your dashboard. You earn money if you get to complete a survey. Take note, you have to COMPLETE it, not just half through or barely.

Now, this becomes a problem because there have been complaints about Survey Say having you answer all these questions while being disqualified halfway – resulting in wasted time and effort. 

Also, this applies to every online paid survey website ever. Just because you are sent a survey invite does not mean you are eligible to complete it. These survey companies go more strict by having you answer pre-qualifying questions to see if you perfectly fit into their standards.

If you don’t qualify, which would most likely be the usual case scenario, that’s a survey thrown into the bin. If you are lucky enough to be qualified, then you can go complete the survey and earn your reward.

Now, Survey Say does not pay you directly, implying that the rewards you can earn depends on the affiliate online paid survey websites themselves. Take for instance, Global Test Market only compensates you with cash while Opinion Outpost can also compensate you in the form of gift cards. 

survey say cash

As for the amount of money you can make, this mostly just depends on your demographic information, how many surveys invites you can receive, and whether you qualify for a survey or not. But for disclosure reasons, let me tell you that you won’t make a fortune with Survey Say.

Heck, it wouldn’t even be enough to be considered a full-time income. Each survey you complete can only pay you cents or a dollar if you’re really lucky. This amount of money will only cut as a small side income on top of your regular monthly income.

Is Survey Say a scam? To call something a scam isn’t an easy and light task. There needs to be some kind of solid and cold evidence first to prove it. Fortunately, I may have found some against Survey Say which would be enough to have you stay away from this online paid survey website once and for all!

What Makes Survey Say Not Worth It

Sells Your Information

Survey Say will not have you create your own password when signing up to use their platform. Isn’t that kind of off-setting? This only means that all they want from you is your email address. You may not know the value of your email address but it definitely holds a lot of it. They even sell it to third party websites

survey say review

While I believe this could be something as harmless as only earning money off you. However, your information is still out there in the wild and vast Internet. Who knows what bad things can be done to your information?

That I do not know. However, I do know for one thing that your information being sold to third parties only means a messy inbox filled with spam emails and a messed up call log on your phone. So much inconvenience and nuisance, thank you, next.


Just a Side Income

You only earn cents on cents for completing a survey. Plus, there are even varying factors such as your demographics and whether you qualify for the survey itself or not. Not everything will go your way once you receive that survey invite. It’s all still a gamble. Now, if you’re like me who has some bills to pay or if you have a family to feed, you can NOT risk this gamble at all. 


Not Accredited by The BBB

A BBB accreditation is a seal of legitimacy. Unfortunately, you will not find Survey Say on the archives of Better Business Bureau at all. There’s no saying whether this is really legitimate by a higher authority. It’s all a blur.


Limited Availability

The third party websites affiliated with Survey Say is not always available for everyone. Some of these may only cater to countries like the United States and Canada. Even if it’s available to use within your country, the survey invites you may receive could be little to nothing if market researchers don’t really care about the people who belong in your demographic area.

They Will Not Pay You

survey say complaints

survey say reviews

There have been lots of complaints going on around Survey Say that they do all sorts of crap to prevent you from earning your hard-earned money. For one thing, they make you believe that you are able to complete the survey up until the very end but will disqualify you halfway. Talk about a waste of time and effort! That way, they have an excuse to not pay you.

Another thing, Survey Say will not let you withdraw the money you have earned on your account and disclose that the reason is that you have violated their terms when you even have no recollection of doing so. Sick and cunning bastards.

Hard To Qualify

survey say complaint

I believe this is the case with every online paid survey website ever, not just with Survey Say itself. Market researchers have their own standards in choosing the participants for the surveys. It is only natural for them to only have a group of people that is fit to answer surveys in alignment to the businesses and companies in need of information about the public.

However, the downside here is that you would find it hard to qualify for surveys. It could take you a ton of survey invites to find one which you could qualify for.

What I Like About Survey Say

I like how you can answer surveys for free without having the need to pay for anything at all. But honestly, that’s how every online paid surveys website should be so there’s nothing much special about that.

My Final Conclusion! Is Survey Say a Scam?

All the dirt I have dug up on Survey Say may not be enough to call it something as heavy as a scam, but from the mere fact that they don’t allow you to withdraw your money and do all sorts of sick tricks to make sure of that, then why bother in the first place? Instead of wasting all your time and effort.

Plus, Survey Say is only a middleman to other paid survey websites. It’s kind of waste on Internet bundles and time. Why not just sign up directly to those websites instead of having the need to create an account here and risk your information being sold? It’s just not worth it.

But let’s face it, doing online paid surveys are not even a source of reliable and sustainable income in the first place. Earning cents on cents means you can only utilize paid surveys for some side cash on top of your regular monthly income. Thinking that you can make a fortune with surveys is a big mistake.

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