Is Wealthy Affiliate Training Outdated for 2023?

Last Updated on December 5, 2022

Wealthy Affiliate is a big fan of mine, and they consistently rank as my top-rated product for new and intermediate affiliate bloggers. This year, I read a couple of high-ranking Wealthy Affiliate reviews in TrustPilot and other social media platforms such as Reddit and Quora, in which the main complaint about Wealthy Affiliate is that it’s “outdated.” This appears to be a compelling critique, as I’ve received several inquiries asking if it’s true. So Is Wealthy Affiliate training outdated?

Rather than rewriting my response, I wanted to publish this article as a centralized resource to send. I’ll explain what I believe they mean by “outdated” and why I believe they are incorrect in using that term.

Is Wealthy Affiliate Training Outdated?

Definitely, it is not outdated! Wealthy Affiliate is constantly updating. Frequently. When you look at the big picture and compare it to what else is available, Wealthy Affiliate is the best place for new or struggling affiliate marketers to launch their first profitable affiliate business.


How Does Wealthy Affiliate Work?

Wealthy Affiliate will teach you on building a WordPress website from the ground up, use it to drive free organic traffic, build and promote other people’s products, and earn a commission on each new sale you make.

Some argue that this course (approach) is no longer effective. But I respectfully disagree. Building niche websites is a straightforward procedure that has mostly stayed the same in the last 15 years. As I previously stated, there are four easy steps to this process, which are as follows:

Essentially, you can learn how to choose a niche based on your interests. This could be anything from fitness to guitar playing to basketball or cooking.

The second step is to create a website where you will publish content (blog posts) and promote affiliate programs.

Building the website is super-easy in my experience because all of the technical stuff is done for you (I hate to use those words, but that’s how Wealthy Affiliate SiteBuilder works).

Following that, the guys will devote a significant amount of time to teaching you how to perfect creating content based on keyword research. The ultimate goal is to achieve first-page rankings on Google and other search engines and free organic traffic.

And, despite what some Wealthy Affiliate reviews claim, this method still works!

This method appeals to me because it is based on assisting people in your niche. I don’t like that it takes a long time (12+ months) to see life-changing results.

Finally, if everything goes well (which is entirely up to you! ), making money will be automatic.

That being said, there are two ways to begin an affiliate marketing business through the WA program:

Approach #1: Create Your Own Niche Website

The first is to complete the core training known as Online Entrepreneur Certification (details will be provided later in my Wealthy Affiliate review). Essentially, you will learn how to promote ANY product in ANY niche you desire.

The Wealthy Affiliate, Online Entrepreneur Certification course consists of 50 step-by-step lessons that teach you to complete all four above steps.

Approach #2: Create a website for WA Bootcamp.

Another Wealthy Affiliate course is about creating a website (using the same 4-step formula) and promoting the WA affiliate program to people in the Make-Money-Online niche.

Affiliate Bootcamp is a collection of 70 step-by-step lessons. Some may argue that this is the “core” training, and they are not far from the truth.

Many new joiners had the impression that Kyle and Carson were attracting inexperienced members. Their goal is to give them one and assist them in earning their first dollar online.

It doesn’t matter whether this is true. What matters is that both courses continue to function. So, if you have a passion for an MMO niche or any other niche, you can start making money online with these two Wealthy Affiliate courses.

This method appeals to me because it is based on assisting people in your niche. I don’t like that it takes a long time (12+ months) to see life-changing results.

Finally, if everything goes well (which is entirely up to you! ), making money will be automatic.

Featured Article from!

Check out “Wealthy Affiliate Review” a step-by-step training program that will teach you how to start your own passive income blog.

Are People Seeing Success With Wealthy Affiliate?

Checking out other people’s results with Wealthy Affiliate is a sure way to determine whether it’s a scam or not. Keep in mind that success with this, or any other similar program, is NOT guaranteed.

To succeed in any business (online or offline), you must hustle and then hustle some more. These three individuals are prime examples of what you can achieve if you take this (or any other) opportunity seriously.

Eddy Solomon’s million-dollar success

Eddy is one of the Wealthy Affiliate platform’s oldest members (I’m not talking about his age). He’s been a member for over ten years, and his affiliate marketing results are interesting.

In short, Solomon has earned $1 million using WA methods and techniques.

Nathaniel earned $1,000 monthly as a result of WA.

Nathaniel, like Eddy, is a senior member of the community. He owns several successful affiliate websites in various niches that generate tens of thousands of dollars per month!

Nathaniel has also decided to share his knowledge with others through video training. He records his video tutorials and makes them available to Premium (and free) Wealthy Affiliate members.

Is Wealthy Affiliate Training Outdated?

The training program at Wealthy Affiliate is excellent and is not outdated. To be fair, WA falls short when compared to The Authority Site System which is a complete SEO course and Affiliate Lab by Matt Diggity.

On the other hand, WA, Affiliate Lab, and TASS teach nearly identical techniques for ranking and building authority websites on Google.

The only distinction is that WA focuses on content creation and organic backlinks, whereas the Affiliate Lab and TASS focus on content creation and manual backlink building.

Their method produces quicker results, but it is riskier.

Is Wealthy Affiliate a Good Starter?

Wealthy Affiliate is excellent for newbies and affiliate marketing beginners. As a beginner, I believe you should have access to three things for a reasonable price:

  1. Training tools that are step-by-step and simple to understand.
  2. Keyword research tools, websites, and so on.
  3. Coaching, support, and live assistance

💁You might also read » Wealthy Affiliate VS Authority Hacker

If you’re just getting started, you’ll notice a big difference between WA and other courses right away. Other courses are primarily geared toward advanced marketers.

This is precisely why some people complain about the training in other Wealthy Affiliate reviews. As you can see, they are speaking from a more advanced perspective.

The bottom line is that the training is intended for newbies rather than advanced marketers. But, whether you are an expert looking for some golden nuggets (or a newbie looking for a ton of knowledge), you will find them in WA.

OEC and Affiliate Bootcamp are just some of the training options! Allow me to explain! Over the years, the WA platform has accumulated a ton of user-generated training. You can learn from people like Nathaniel, Eddy, and Jerry through their tutorials, training videos, and guides.

These are all experts and extremely successful marketers. They’ve completed basic training, deployed to the field, and returned with a wealth of knowledge.

So, if you read a review that claims Wealthy Affiliate is a scam or is outdated, refer to my review instead.

With that said, you can be certain that even advanced marketers will find a lot of value in being a part of this training program.


Do I Recommend Wealthy Affiliate?

Yes, I strongly recommend Wealthy Affiliate. I recommend it, especially to beginners looking for an easy-to-follow training program to learn about affiliate marketing.

You can sign up for WA for free and then make your own financial decisions. Furthermore, one of the main reasons I recommend WA to newbies is that they will get everything else they need to get started online without breaking the bank.

This includes the following:

  • training course
  • hosting and domains
  • websites
  • research tools
  • live community help
  • technical support
  • private coaching
  • and more!

All of this for $49 per month is a good deal. Other affiliate training programs competing with WA for supremacy in this industry will charge you $500, $1000, or even $2000+ upfront without allowing you to preview the content.


So, when I say in my review that Wealthy Affiliate is legitimate and best for beginners, one of the main reasons is the price. Furthermore, other courses in this industry are not suitable for beginners.

This is one of many courses for beginners, but it is unquestionably number one on my list. Another reason I recommend Wealthy Affiliate, despite everything negative I’ve said in my Wealthy Affiliate review, is that their training is effective!

That being said, I’m guessing you’re reading this because you want to know if it’s worth it. You can be confident that WA is worthwhile! It works, but results take time and effort to achieve.

Final Thoughts

Wealthy Affiliate is a community of members who work together to help one another succeed. Could some of the videos be updated? Absolutely! That would be fantastic to see. Wealthy Affiliate is not an ideal training facility. I’ve reviewed a lot of great affiliate courses, and each one has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. There is a “best course” for everyone.

Wealthy Affiliate is constantly updating. Frequently. When you look at the big picture and compare it to what else is available, Wealthy Affiliate is the best place to start your first affiliate website.


I joined Wealthy Affiliate back in 2015 with no marketing experience whatsoever. In a couple of months, I got my own website running, driving traffic, and sales daily.

I am now self-employed and run my online affiliate business from the comfort of my home or wherever I want to.

Join now, and if you ever need help with anything, feel free to send me a message I’ll be there to guide you! So see you inside…  

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