Last Updated on February 1, 2023
Is Proofread Anywhere a scam? The best and brightest people like Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, and Gandhi would not have been who they were if it weren’t for books.
The bestselling box-office movies we see in the theaters like Harry Potter, Jurassic Park, and Lord of The Rings would not have been so successful if it weren’t for the minds who put them into life on paper.
Every profession and career-making up life as we know it today would not have flourished into civilization without the information carried by books.
The world we know now wouldn’t have been if it weren’t for the art of writing. Writing is an essential aspect of our lives. And just in case you don’t know, writing is not an easy task.
Writing takes into account a lot of techniques and practices. It all starts with the basics like learning to combine words correctly, making eye-catching titles, and many more.
One of the most important aspects of writing, and most of the time undermined, is proofreading. Later on, we will get to define proofreading.
Writing can be a career and profession. Even proofreading can be a source of income, as well!
A woman named Caitlin Pyle claims that you could make money online by proofreading with a course she created called Proofread Anywhere.
This sounds too good to be true, and perhaps it might just be. In this Proofread Anywhere review, we will find out if what Caitlin says is true or if this is all just another scam.
The trademarks within this article are those of the respected proprietary propriety owners (Proofread Anywhere). This website is not associated, endorsed by, or affiliated with Proofread Anywhere in any legal contracts or agreements. The content provided on this page is for informational and educational purposes only; it is based on facts obtained by online research or in-person by the author. NOTE: This article is the sole opinion of the author.
Is Proofread Anywhere a Scam?
Proofread Anywhere is not a scam! Because so many people claim to be experts, it’s understandable that others suspect it’s a scam. The initial cost is reasonable and is occasionally discounted. However, you should factor in costs for items that aren’t included, such as website setup fees, materials, online subscriptions, and other tools you’ll need or want.

What is Proofreading?
Proofreading is divided into two fields, namely: general proofreading and transcript proofreading.
General proofreading includes correcting and adding touch-up finishes to available texts used in public, such as novels, menus, websites, cookbooks, and loads more.
The practice of transcript proofreading involves working for a transcription firm. It’s still the same duties and responsibilities as a general proofreader: going through a document and looking for errors. In the case of transcript proofreading, you deal with court transcripts, steno, and other sorts of transcripts.

What is Proofread Anywhere?
Proofread Anywhere is the mind child of Caitlyn Pyle, which is basically an online course all about proofreading.
Pyle is passionate about proofreading, and she wants to help others get into the art of proofreading. With this thought in mind, she wanted to share her passion with the world through her blog in 2007.
In 2014, she reached out to more people by writing her own ebook on proofreading and sold it on her own website. This ebook became a hit. However, people wanted more out of Pyle.
Her readers were growing more fond of proofreading, and to address this, she made a complete online course covering everything about proofreading, including general proofreading and transcript proofreading with more than 40 interactive modules, bonus materials for learning how to work in various niches within proofreading, and grammar specific worksheets. This gave inception to Proofread Anywhere.
Caitlin has been featured in Business Insider, Forbes, and Fast Company as the founder of the ultra-niche, multi-seven-figure blog “Proofread Anywhere.”

Proofread Anywhere: Editing vs Proofreading
One of the most common misconceptions about proofreading is that it is similar to editing. Proofreading may include editing if you notice errors in the writing.
Editing entails much more than simply correcting errors in a written piece. You must complete several tasks that can be classified as editing. Some examples include removing unnecessary writing sections, rearranging, and rewriting specific areas of a writing piece.
All of this is completed before the project is delivered to you, the proofreader. You, as the proofreader, are in charge of adding the finishing touch. You must go through the nearly finished writing piece looking for punctuation, spelling, and grammatical errors. To be a proofreader, you must have a keen eye for detail.
The course explains precisely what is expected of a proofreader and assists you in improving your proofreading skills. The course aims to teach you the skills you’ll need to be an excellent proofreader. You’ll also learn how to live a life where you work from home as a proofreader.

Who is Caitlin Pyle?
She was your average employee working a 9-5 a few years ago. She is now a multi-millionaire who teaches thousands of people how to earn a good living from home.
Pyle decided to launch her own online business, Proofread Anywhere, which transforms novice proofreaders into professionals who can work from anywhere in the world. Pyle grew Proofread Anywhere to $1M+ in annual revenue in just 15 months!
Pyle’s success story is the dream of many office workers today, particularly Millennials, who want to telecommute 100% of the time and prefer flexible or alternative schedules.
However, starting a business is risky, with most new companies failing before they get off the ground. Pyle’s secret? She claims she couldn’t have done it without Pinterest, a priceless marketing tool that generates more traffic than Google+, YouTube, and LinkedIn combined. Pinterest has 150 million monthly active users, and 93% have shopped online at least once in the last six months—in other words, Pinterest is an excellent platform.

Proofread Anywhere Modules
You will reportedly spend up to 4 months going through all the modules and lessons. These modules are different depending on the course. It is also very comprehensive therefore you have to expect that you can’t finish all of these overnights.
There are two courses you can choose from General Proofreading and Transcript Proofreading Courses.
General Proofreading – Theory and Practice
Module 1: Introduction to General Proofreading
This first module provides startup information on the skills you need to be a successful proofreader and other basic stuff such as the difference between editing, Proofreading, and copy editing.
The lessons in this module include:
- Why Proofread?
- Skills Needed to Be an Excellent General Proofreader
- Who Needs a Proofreader?
- What a General Proofreader Does (and Doesn’t) Do
- Terms Commonly (but incorrectly) used in Proofreading
- Editing at a Proofreading Rate
Module 2: Get into the Proofreading Mindset
In this module, you will get to know more about the types of markets you can specialize in proofreading in and other important terminologies within industries.
Lessons include:
- Proofreading Niches
- Proofreader Lingo
Module 3: Proofreading Basics
This lets you refresh your common knowledge on the basics of grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Lessons include:
- Types of Errors
- Capitalization
- Apostrophes
- Hyphens
- Commas and Semicolons
- Quotation Marks
- Subject and Verb Agreement
- Noun and Pronoun Agreement
- Commonly Misused Words
- American and British Spelling Variations
Module 4: Proofreading Methods and Practice
Lessons include the following:
- Proofreading Methods
- Proofreading Practice

Module 5: Turning Proofreading into a Business
This is where things start to turn around. Pyle just doesn’t teach you about proofreading. She also wants this to be an opportunity for you to make proofreading a source of income.
The lessons in this module include:
- Creating a Website
- A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting up Your Business Website
- Writing Your Résumé
- Setting Your Rates
- Taxes and Incorporating Your Proofreading Business
- Building on Your Proofreading Experience
Module 6: Looking for Jobs
One of the things you have to note when trying to dive into the field of proofreading, you are the one to fish for clients. This module teaches you just that.
Lessons include the following:
- Proofreading and Freelance Associations
- Social Media
- Social Media Dos and Don’ts
- Blogging
- Online Marketplaces
- Online Profiles
- Writing a Proposal
- Avoiding Scammers
- Don’t Expect Clients to Just Come to You
Module 7: Once You Get the Job
Pyle will not just leave you alone when you already have the job. In this module, you will learn how to work with your clients.
In this module, you will learn the following lessons:
- Starting Off on the Right Foot
- Working with Client Preferences
- A Proofreader’s Relationship with Other Editors on the Project
- How to Bill Your Clients
- Your Reputation
- Asking for Testimonials
Module 8: Getting the Most Out of the Freelancing Life
Lessons include the following:
- Organizing Your Time to Avoid Burnout
- A Day in the Life of a Proofreader
- Gaining Confidence
Module 9: Ignite Plus Exam
This module is only available to Ignite Plus students. If you want to be evaluated and know the things you have to improve on in general proofreading, you might find this worth the extra dollars.
Bonus Module: The Money Mindset Transformation

Transcript Proofreading – Theory and Practice
This module is divided into two sections, namely: theory, and practice. Wow, that is so innovative. However, I believe that these two go hand in hand and won’t be helpful without the other.
This covers two modules. In the section Theory, you will learn about the theory of transcript proofreading. These are the things you have to know to properly apply what you will learn in the Practice section.
Module 1: Introduction to Transcript Proofreading
Here, you will:
- Gain a thorough understanding of the roles and functions of court reporters, scopists, and proofreaders
- Acquire a foundational knowledge of how the steno language works
- Understand the skills needed to perform well as a transcript proofreader
- Learn the process of how a transcript becomes a transcript and the role an agency may play in the finished product
Module 2: The Nuts and Bolts of Transcripts
In this module, you will:
- Anticipate and recognize the vast array of possible errors that can occur in transcripts
- Become familiar with the vocabulary found in multiple types of proceedings: depositions, EUOs, hearings, trials, interpreted proceedings, and testimony on a variety of topic areas, including medical, insurance, product liability, and general litigation, among others (including vocabulary quiz)
- Become well versed in transcript-specific punctuation as outlined in Morson’s English Guide for Court Reporters, Court Reporting: Bad Grammar/Good Punctuation, and The Gregg Reference Manual. Includes individual lessons on transcript-relevant capitalization, punctuation usage, and commonly misused or misspelled words and phrases
- Understand general formatting rules regarding BY: lines, colloquy, Q&A, marking exhibits, and use of parentheticals
- Fully differentiate between uses of American English spelling/punctuation and
- British English spelling/punctuation within transcripts
The second section is all about practice. Here, you will learn all about transcript markup, which will help you perform extensive training on simulation transcripts.
There are seven modules here.
Modules 3 & 4: Marking Up Transcripts (Four Methods)
- Learn four methods to properly correct transcripts: hard copy, errata, on a computer, and digitally (paperless) using iOS technology. The advantages and disadvantages of each are discussed at length.
- Get comfortable using an iPad equipped with the powerful PDF annotation app iAnnotate
Module 5: Simulation Transcripts
- Learn to research the proper spelling of people, things, and places within transcripts using a provided notice and other resources, online or otherwise.
- Perform a thorough read on each simulation job according to the exhaustive proofreading checklist (provided)
- Evaluate personal progress and areas in need of improvement
- Includes punctuation and short transcript quiz (100% score required to continue)
Module 6: Corresponding Within the Court Reporting Profession
- Communicate effectively, promptly, and professionally with court reporters and agencies regarding turnaround time (regular and rush), invoicing, vacation time, etc.
- Be fully prepared to meet court reporting professionals’ expectations of proofreaders with outstanding customer service.
- Understand the importance of using a customized preference sheet with each reporter, and be able to interpret reporter preferences based on sheet input
Module 7: Billing and Accounting Procedures, Final Examinations
- Understand billing procedures for work completed, including setting rates, negotiating, and following up on outstanding balances
- Be comfortable operating as a freelancer during tax season.
- Be evaluated for aptitude and competence in both the theory and practice of transcript proofreading.
Module 8: Marketing
To access this module, you would have to pass both of the final examinations with a percentage of 90 or higher. This all just feels like high school all over again.
- Learn authentic, personalized marketing methods to connect with potential clients using social media and traditional techniques
- Acquire and polish the skill of over-delivery and exceeding expectations as a proofreader
- Compose a professional résumé to effectively display acquired knowledge and skill
- Learn how to use social media to build a web presence
- Know the dos and don’ts of professional marketing tailored to the court reporting industry
- Includes 25-question marketing concepts quiz
Module 9: Concluding Lesson
- Learn to identify oneself as a transcript proofreader to build confidence in new skills
- Understand the components of a successful freelance business.
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How Long Does It Take To Finish The Proofread Anywhere Course?
The time it takes to finish the course varies depending on a number of factors, including the amount of time you have available. There were students who finished the course in as little as a month, while others take much longer because their coursework is integrated into their current schedule.
Proofread Anywhere Pricing
Pyle stated that proofreading is not for everyone.
To prevent anyone from realizing later on in completing the course that proofreading is not for them, she offers a 7 – day free course that includes educational materials such as case studies, printable content, templates, and even videos.
General Proofreading Course
You get to have two options here: Ignite and Ignite Plus.
They are practically the same in content. The main difference is that Ignite Plus is more expensive, and it includes a specific module that Ignite does not have. Registering for the Ignite course will cost you a whopping $497. Yep, you read that right.
On the other hand, Ignite Plus will cost a jaw-dropping $597. Why is it a hundred dollars more expensive? It’s because it has an exclusive module in which you can gain access to a hand-graded exam, a certificate upon completion of the course, listing SPS, and you will gain membership to a Marketing Mastermind Group.
Transcript Proofreading Course
This course is divided into four levels in which you would have to pay more as you excel to higher levels.
Level 1 – Beginner Basecamp
This will cost you just $77. The downside is you can only access the first module for only 7 days.
Level 2 – Jumpstart
Here, you will gain access to modules 1 and 2 for an additional 30 days. This costs $197.
Level 3 – NextSteps
This is where everything starts to get a bit tight. In this level, modules 1-5 become available to you for an additional 60 days. Grab tight to your seats because this is a one-time payment of $400. Say what?
Level 4 – Launch & Earn
If you have enough of the previous one, you’ll lose your sanity on this one. Here, you will pay a ton of $500. The bright side is that you have lifetime access to all the modules from 1 to 9.
To me, this ‘levels’ mechanism seems like a scheme to get more money out of your pockets.
I don’t get the point of why you have to pay level by level when you can access everything for a lifetime for just a total of $500. No wonder Caitlin Pyle made a fortune out of all this.
Nevertheless, Proofread Anywhere explained its stand on this pricing structure.
Basically, setting up this structure allows students to know whether this course is really for them in the early stages.
If they realize it’s not, students will save themselves money by not purchasing the upper levels. Seems reasonable enough!

What Makes Proofread Anywhere Not Worth It
Take All My Money!
In a nutshell, it is expensive. Sure, these educational materials will definitely be beneficial in the long run. The knowledge and understanding gained from all the modules will outweigh the price.
It is pretty reasonable since you are given a long list of modules with an even longer list of lessons.
However, since it’s expensive, this won’t be much of an opportunity for everyone. Not everyone can invest a lot in an online course, especially for a profession in which there is not much income potential.
But that’s just how online courses are. You either work your ass off for your half thousand dollars to not get wasted or grieve over your money.
It will Probably Take Forever
Let’s face it, who has all the time in the world to finish all the modules overnight? Unless you’re a master crammer, you can complete the courses in four months.
The good thing is that you can set up your own pace, so you don’t have to rush yourself or slow yourself down.

Proofread Anywhere Might Be Worth Your Money
Very Comprehensive
From what I have seen, the courses cover a lot of topics. It covers everything you need to know about proofreading, whether general or transcript. I think you might find it worth the investment despite being costly. Here’s what their student says about the course:
Lifetime Access
You only get to pay one time. There are no other reoccurring fees. Also, since the courses cover a lot of modules, having lifetime access will allow you to set up your learning sessions based on your own pace.
Not Just Nuts and Bolts
You are not just given information on how to proofread, but you are also given a chance to turn proofreading into a business and a potential source of income. It will also teach you what to do when you already have the job and make it a permanent profession you can rely on.

Everywhere Access
Since it is online, you don’t have to carry all the modules wherever you go and exhaust yourself. You can simply access it on your mobile devices.
Who Is the Proofread Anywhere For?
The Proofread Anywhere course is designed for anyone interested in becoming a proofreader and earning money with their proofreading skills.
The course is intended for beginners but is also appropriate for proofreaders who want to brush up on their skills and start their own proofreading business.
It is taught in American English but is not limited to Americans. Because of the sheer size of the United States, most proofreaders will almost certainly have many US-based clients. However, the course will also teach you how to proofread in UK English, which is easy to learn.
Finally, you must be willing to work hard. Learning any worthwhile skill takes time and effort, and proofreading is no exception. The course will provide you with the tools you need to succeed, but it is up to you to invest the time and effort necessary to learn the skills.
Is Proofreading For You?
Proofreading is definitely not for everyone. So, how would you know if this profession tugs on the strings of your heart?
Proofreading is perfect for you if you love reading, have a bird’s eye for error, be it spelling, grammar, or punctuation, and just can’t stand seeing an unfinished document.
Plus, if you are a hardworking and patient type, you can spot yourself in the publication and transcription realm.

What is Proofread Anywhere Affiliate Center?
Proofread Anywhere has a professional affiliate network comprised of online marketers, bloggers, entrepreneurs, and others.
Their most successful affiliates have a website or blog with work-at-home-related content. Becoming a PA affiliate is simple, and you’ll have immediate access to everything you need to start making money!
You can earn up to 40% commission as an affiliate for each General Proofreading: Theory & Practice course enrollment you send with them via your unique affiliate link.
Final Verdict: Is Proofread Anywhere A Scam?
This is a legitimate course you can fully utilize before you set foot into your proofreading venture. It’s a very comprehensive course, plus you can choose between general and transcript proofreading depending on your needs. You can set your own pace in going through these educational materials with lifetime access available to you wherever you go. You can find Proofread Anywhere worth your investment.
Final verdict, Is Proofread Anywhere a scam? No, it is not. However, this takes a lot of time before you can start turning proofreading into a sustainable source of income. Plus, the expensive cost of the courses will leave you with nothing, and probably your returns will not be worth the money.
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