Is The CB Cash Code a Scam? 7 Dark Secrets!

Last Updated on May 4, 2022

Is the CB Cash Code a scam? Right off the bat, this website claims you can make up to $8,122.24 every single day. All it takes is 5 minutes of your time and all you have to do is 14 clicks. Everybody’s a sucker for easy money, and I’d be lying if I wasn’t even enticed a tiny bit by these claims.

But of course, I was not born yesterday and I know better than to believe in ridiculous and unbelievable statements like these. Easy money in today’s time? Well, you’ve got to be kidding me right?

Still, due to my uncontrollable curiosity, I have decided to take a look into this website. I mean, I did my digging without expecting anything from this at all and I kind of had a hunch that my initial judgment of The CB Cash Code won’t change. However, as I dug deeper into it, I have found other things about it which shocked me and gave me the final impression to stay away from this website!

Now that I have your attention, let’s get right into this CB Cash Code review.


CB Cash Code Review

Product Name: CB Cash Code
Founder: George Patterson (made up name)
Logo: cb cash code logo
Product Description: Affiliate marketing training program
Best For: NO ONE
Recommended: NO

Quick Navigation

>>What is The CB Cash Code? >>How Does The CB Cash Code Work?
>>CB Cash Code Ugly Secrets EXPOSED!
>>Pros of The CB Cash Code
>>Is The CB Cash Code a Scam?


What is The CB Cash Code?


the cb cash code homepage


The CB Cash Code is supposedly an affiliate marketing training program teaching you how to make easy money online through their so called secret website – which turns out to be ClickBank. By just signing up to this website and a little bit of your time, it claims that you can earn up to $8,122.24 on a daily basis.

The creator of The CB Cash Code, who goes by the name George Patterson, tells you that all you need is an internet connection, a computer, and a few minutes of your time a day. You won’t even need experience for this system to work out for you in the first place. Heck, even your grandmother can do it, as Patterson says.

I have found this website as I was scrolling through the marketplace of ClickBank. If you are any familiar with ClickBank, the marketplace holds pretty decent products which you can promote to earn affiliate commissions. But also take note of this, this one has a background and history of selling products which turns out to be scams. There are a lot of those within ClickBank’s marketplace.  

Is The CB Cash Code a scam? With that being said, don’t be too surprised if The CB Cash Code turns out to be one of those ClickBank scams! But of course, I don’t want to be unfair to this website and go on blabbering how this one is a complete scam. I think it’s also fair to know how this works from the inside so that you can understand how I came up with my verdict on The CB Cash Code.


How Does The CB Cash Code Work?


To gain access to The CB Cash Code, Patterson says all you have to pay is a one time fee of $37. As I saw this program in the marketplace of ClickBank, this typically caught my attention due to this particular line, “Up to $240 per sale….”. I was kind of taken aback, honestly. For something that costs $37, how could something be giving off $240 commissions per sale?


the cb cash code clickbank


Anyway, as I have mentioned before, The CB Cash Code helps you earn up to thousands of dollars on a daily basis by means of affiliate marketing through ClickBank. It doesn’t take into consideration all the time and effort it takes to build a successful online business for the long term. 

Instead, it instantly takes you to the stage wherein you can live a life you have always wanted without having the need to worry about money. Now, how does this program intend on helping you do that?

The CB Cash Code provides you with training materials all in the form of PDF guides to supposedly get you started with affiliate marketing through ClickBank.


  • PDF Guide 1: Of course, not everyone is familiar with how ClickBank works even though it’s constantly mentioned everywhere all over the Internet. This first guide will teach you and provide you with insider information about ClickBank.


  • PDF Guide 2: Onto the affiliate marketing training itself, this guide will teach you on how to utilize search engine optimization, pay per click, social media, and many more that will play a big role in your affiliate marketing ventures.


  • PDF Guide 3: It’s also important to learn about how to utilize Facebook and what are the possible ways to apply it to affiliate marketing.


the cb cash code facebook


Now, don’t get me wrong on this one. It definitely is possible to make money through ClickBank. I mean, you could buy a product from there, put it up on your website, start promoting, and earn your commissions.

But since there are a lot of scams roaming out and about in it’s marketplace, it could be possible for you to promote a scam. If you are not careful enough with the products you promote, you can badly damage what you have built so far. It’s important to take note of that.

Is The CB Cash Code a scam? So far, everything seems bleak on where this review is heading. To set things straight, let me lay all of my cards on the table and give you reasons why you should stay away as far as possible from this website.


The CB Cash Code Ugly Secrets REVEALED!


Ridiculous Claims


the cb cash code ridiculous claims


the cb cash code unbelievable claims


Okay, first of all, no legit make money online opportunity ever out there goes around exclaiming bogus claims to people. $8,000 profit on a daily basis? Yeah, right. We’ve seen all of the tricks, and if you are not born yesterday, you could determine right off the bat that this is just another ugly lie. 

Considering how this program only costs $37 and how this is not charity, I don’t get why websites like The CB Cash Code are still blabbering unrealistic claims like this.

Another thing, this claims all you would need is a few minutes of your time and just a few clicks. Let me set this straight. One of the reasons why I’m into affiliate marketing is because it’s a passive source of income. What triggers me is the way The CB Cash Code is advertised this, as if you can start earning the moment you bought your way in.

However, before this becomes a passive source of income, it will not just take a few clicks and it will most certainly not just take little to nothing amount of your time. Before you can reap the results you are yearning from affiliate marketing, you are going to have to put in the effort and work almost non-stop just to see conversions and see the money streaming into your account.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s definitely possible to make money through ClickBank and affiliate marketing but not just in the way The CB Cash Code suggests.


Contradicts Themselves


Right off the bat, this website feeds you the idea of earning money with just the minimal effort. However, when I read the disclaimer, it says “Success in ANY money-making opportunity is a result of hard work, time and a variety of other factors.” 


the cb cash code disclaimer


Okay, do you see the problem here? They are obviously contradicting themselves. Why bother with the bogus claims in the first place? The CB Cash Code is one of the perfect examples why you should first read disclaimers.

Plus, if you would see, this disclaimer is not even their own. It’s the disclaimer of Ecom Profit Sniper. In behalf of those who are not familiar with this, it’s basically a scam. Of course, this gives me the impression that the creator is lazy to the bone and that these two platforms are linked. So, you might want to take a step back just by this fact alone.


Not Worth Your Money


The purpose of paying $37 is to give you the opportunity to earn thousands of money without having to  break a sweat. I have already debunked this claim and can say it’s total bullcrap. The only worth you are getting here is the affiliate marketing training materials. 

But still, these materials do not equate to your money’s worth because there isn’t much information and content to squeeze from this. What I’m trying to say is, The CB Cash Code is not really the best platform out there to help you learn about making money with ClickBank, or affiliate marketing for that matter.


Hidden Crazy Upsells


You might think you’re getting a great deal paying only the minimal $37 while reaping thousands in return. Well, sorry to tell you but you will just log in to the platform and be welcomed by the upsells this website has in store to milk more money out from you. 


the cb cash code


Your initial impression of The CB Cash Code would be that this program will bring you money from somewhere when in reality, it’s you who’s bringing them the real deal. Did you really think that you can earn $240 commission per sale for just the price of $37? If you do the math, you can already infer that it’s not the final price at all.


George Patterson… Who?


When you visit the website, you will be greeted with a video in which George Patterson will take you on a tour inside The CB Cash Code. It’s just George Patterson. There’s no face, no picture, no background information, no contact details, nothing. Just a voice and that name. 

When you search up his name on Google, of course, the results are at a large amount. Since there is not much information stated to find more about this certain George Patterson, it’s hard to filter and narrow down the results. This George is just another voice actor. Heck, that might even just be a made up name.

The real owner is out there. Probably hiding from the authorities and avoiding taking the blame so that he can sleep at ease during the night.


It Shares Your Personal Information


the cb cash code sells your information


The CB Cash Code’s purchase agreement states it clearly, “In particular, we may share your data with coaching partners who offer a related service to our own.” I believe the purpose of this is to just, again, make more money by selling your personal information. It could be as harmless as that, but still, your information is out there. 

Who knows what could happen to this information, especially in this time wherein some parts of the Internet are not pretty at all? But I know one thing for sure, this wouldn’t benefit you in any way because you will be bombarded with spam and calls from sales representatives of The CB Cash Code’s coaching partners offering similar services.


Fake Testimonials


Entering the platform itself, it will make you feel encouraged that this website will bring you money because there are video testimonials saying so. Yeah, I highly doubted this one really works, so I did my homework. I found out that these testimonials are created by bought actors on Fiverr. Why bother buying a fake testimonial if the platform works in the first place? Well, the answer is already clear.


the cb cash code fake testimonials


the cb cash code fake testimonial


Pros of The CB Cash Code


ClickBank is Legit


It’s definitely legit, and you can make money for sure. But of course, some of the products sold there will do nobody any good. Just make sure that you are promoting the right products, or else, everything you have built so far will go down the drain.


My Final Thoughts! Is The CB Cash Code a Scam?


Based on the red flags and ugly truths The CB Cash Code manifests, I can say with confidence that this is definitely a scam! 

It doesn’t live up to its ridiculous claims, which is no surprise. The owner is hiding somewhere, the testimonials are fake which basically indicates how useless it is, your personal information will be sold doing you no good, it’s linked to another scam, and your money will just fade away to oblivion.

There are too many red flags that it can’t be ignored. Bottom line, you will be gaining nothing from The CB Cash Code. 

If you are looking for a real make money online opportunity, check out my Wealthy Affiliate review!

Just keep one thing in mind, this won’t happen overnight! But if you are a type of fella that can follow a blueprint, if you are willing to take action, then you can turn your passion into a thriving online business!





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