Is Private Cash Sites a Scam? A Sales Funnel in Disguise!

Last Updated on August 7, 2019

Is Private Cash Sites a scam? This website is going all out on their claims. Felicity, the owner of Private Cash Sites is confident in this system she created that will enable you to earn 3 to 5 figures on a daily basis. Heck, even in the first 45 minutes of using her website, you can start making money. You wouldn’t need a single trace of experience, this system claims!

I know, anyone in their right mind would know this is too good to be true. How could a legit program be so bold and go out of their way spewing nonsense only idiots would believe? Have you ever seen a legit make money online opportunity give someone a 3 to 5 digit income on a daily basis? Sure, in our wildest dreams.

I don’t want to seem unfair by not even dissecting Private Cash Sites and blabber on how this is a total and complete scam. I don’t think my initial judgment won’t change anyway but to make everything fair, I did further research on this system that supposedly makes you rich within a month.

After I did my homework, I found more reasons why you should stay away from Private Cash Sites at all costs! I’m telling you, this will do you no good!


Private Cash Sites Review

Product Name: Private Cash Sites
Founder: Felicity
Logo: private cash sites logo
Product Description: Sales funnel disguised as an affiliate marketing training program
Best For: No one
Recommended: NO


What is Private Cash Sites?


private cash sites homepage


On the surface, Private Cash Sites is supposedly a website that offers an affiliate marketing training program enabling you to earn thousands of dollars within a day without even having the need to create a blog, write content, make videos, or email people. Everything seems to be done for you, all you do is buy the system and you’ll be earning 3 to 5 figures everyday.


private cash sites commissions


If you take a look on the video once you have landed on Private Cash Sites’ website, they don’t explain the program much except that you will be greeted with too good to be true claims, and fake promises to fill your head with empty hope.


private cash sites fake promises


private cash sites too good to be true


private cash sites fake claims


You’ll be greeted by Felicity on the website through the video. It’s just Felicity, no surname.


private cash sites felicity


No contact number, no background information. Just a random spokesperson spewing out words for Private Cash Sites. You wouldn’t find a trace of information about Felicity. Heck, that might even just be a made-up name.

Take note, Private Cash Sites is a product from ClickBank. Now, if you are any familiar with ClickBank, it basically has a long history of selling shady and scammy products. If in any case that Private Cash Sites turns out to be a scam, which I will reveal later on, don’t be too surprised.

Gaining access to Private Cash Sites will only cost you $47. But get this, they claim that it took them thousands of dollars to create and put this system together in place. Plus, Felicity says they only sell 10 copies of Private Cash Sites.

That’s why people wonder, is private cash sites a scam? Anyone who was not born yesterday would be scratching their heads at that illogical premise. Why would you spend a lot of money to sell something for less than half a hundred dollars on a limited supply? It just does not make any sense.

Setting that aside, what would you get for paying $47? First, Private Cash Sites states you will be getting 3 completely done for you landing page businesses wherein you can promote ClickBank or an affiliate marketing program of your choice.  

On top of that, you will also be receiving HD training videos teaching you everything you need to know to get started with Private Cash Sites.


private cash sites hd training videos


If you are having difficulties, concerns, and technical questions about something on their website, Private Cash Sites provides you with a 24/5 dedicated customer service team.

They are even being generous and good samaritans since they provide 60-days money-back guarantee if in any case you are not satisfied with the product or are not earning the amount of money they have promised in the very beginning. It sounds to me they are digging their own grave.

Is Private Cash Sites a scam? We’ll get to that later on, but for now, let’s understand how this website really works on the inside.


How Does Private Cash Sites REALLY Work?


Private Cash Sites, as what I have seen, should be an affiliate marketing training program without having to create a blog or stack up content for it. Basically, you don’t have to do anything and you’ll be earning thousands a day.


private cash sites 3 to 5 figures


As someone who reviews affiliate marketing programs on a regular basis, I must say there is a lot of things wrong with that statement.

First of all, affiliate marketing gives heavy emphasis on creating your own website, creating content, and generating leads. It mostly revolves around those activities. Why does Private Cash Sites want to remove the core idea of affiliate marketing?

Another thing, affiliate marketing is not a do-nothing and earn big system. It takes a lot of time and effort to make things work, and it definitely won’t bring thousands of dollars on a daily basis. Yes, it’s possible, but it could take you years before you can reach up to that point and like what I said, you have to work hard.

For the price of $47, you won’t be receiving all the things Private Cash Sites says so. There is no affiliate marketing training happening either. So, what gives?

Well, what’s really happening here is that Private Cash Sites is a sales funnel to different websites and products that will enable them to earn a commission once you sign up or purchase these.

You signed up to this platform thinking you can earn thousands of dollars a day for just the price of $47, when in reality, you will just have to pay more and more for these upsells. These supposedly should give you an affiliate marketing training, but that’s all just complete bullcrap.

Although, I did find out something interesting. An upsell called Click Funnels is actually a tool in which it provides you with leads capture pages. These are basically landing pages in which people could subscribe to your email listings. Once you have gained their email address, you can now promote your offers by emailing them about it. It’s a great way to generate leads.


private cash sites email listings


However, seeing how Private Cash Sites only wants to leech more money from you, it comes with a great cost of $97 per month. You should not consider signing up to Click Funnels if you are still starting out as an affiliate marketer.

Anyway, the bottom line here is there is still very little value to your $47 when signing up to Private Cash Sites. But of course, this is not much big of a deal because there are other affiliate marketing program training out there that provide more value.

Other than that, this website will just have you sign up to ClickBank and other websites and product so they can gain a commission from you. The other upsells are not even related to affiliate marketing at all. They are mostly just there to make it look like the website has value when all of it is just carelessly placed there without the intention of actually helping you learn.

Is Private Cash Sites a scam? I have found clues below that may piece out the answer to that question.


Reasons to Stay Away From Private Cash Sites


Linked to a Notorious Scam


Once you get the chance to visit Private Cash Sites’ website, at the bottom of the homepage, you will see their disclaimer. One line there caught my eye, and it reads “Explode My Payday does not guarantee income or success ….” That gives me two impressions.


private cash sites explode my payday


First, the creators of this website are lazy to the bone. Second, Private Cash Sites is linked to Explode My Payday, because they are created by the same group of people. If you are not familiar with Explode My Payday, it is a notorious scam exposed by lots of website owners already. You already understand what I am trying to say here.

While I am a fan of the philosophy that a person can change for the better, do you think you can really trust these people? Do you think they had a taste of their own medicine and wanted to make things right by creating Private Cash Sites? I don’t think so. I think it’s best to take extreme caution around products like these, especially when it comes to matters concerning your hard-earned money.

It’s a fact that the products on ClickBank are mostly scammy, fishy, and shady. But when this product is linked to another ClickBank product that’s an outright scam, it just makes things at a higher degree than worst.


Your Information is Not Safe


private cash sites renting or selling of your information


Private Cash Sites states on their website that once you sign up to this platform, you automatically agree that your information will be rented or sold to third parties.

I believe the sole purpose of this is to just, again, make more money off of you. However, that’s your information we are talking about and it’s casually just out there in the wild.

At this age by this time, some parts of the internet can be scary. Who knows what others will do with your information? Probably steal your identity? I don’t know.

Even if that weren’t the case, you could receive a lot of spam emails and you’ll be bombarded with sales calls. I’m pretty everybody would hate that since it could get very annoying.


Felicity is Nobody


There is no face, no background information, no surname, no contact number. It’s just Felicity. Heck, that name might not even be real. If I were you, I definitely wouldn’t want to engage in something without knowing who’s behind it. The real owner is out there, probably hiding from the authorities and avoiding to take the blame so that he can sleep at peace at night.


Ridiculous Claims


Affiliate marketing that earns you thousands of dollars a day without having to do anything? Sounds too good to be true and it is. Not a single legit program out there goes spewing out bold and unrealistic claims like earning 3 to 5 figures a day, especially if you’re talking about affiliate marketing. Only scams do that. Scams feed on the gullible and desperate, so you should know better.


Hidden Upsells


This is not an affiliate marketing training program. It’s just a sales funnel to different products and websites enabling Private Cash Sites to earn a commission from you. To make it worse, the upsells are expensive! You think you’re getting a great deal since you can enter this system for only $47 and earn thousands of dollars a day, when what’s really happening is that you have to pay more as you go along.


Little to No Value


You’re not getting anything from your money’s worth since like what I said there is no affiliate marketing happening here. Even if there are upsells relating to the subject matter, it’s not worth it and you can find it elsewhere on another platform which provides more value for the same costs.


What I Like About Private Cash Sites


Unfortunately, as much as I would like to say something nice about Private Cash Sites, there’s really just nothing about it that I like. I don’t think anything about it is worth it.


My Final Verdict! Is Private Cash Sites a Scam?


By what I have observed, I think it is enough for me to call this website a scam. I definitely would not recommend this to you. Your money will just be wasted on this. You’re really not getting anything except for fake promises and upsells. Even if you were to get anything, it’s just of little value.

It’s also not safe since your information will be sold to different parts of the internet. Who knows what will happen to your information?

You can’t also trust your money to something that has a history or a connection to another outright scam, and to somebody hiding behind a fake name.

Bottom line, don’t get involved with Private Cash Sites at all costs.

If you want a legit, safe, and risk-free affiliate marketing program with no hidden upsells and no hidden agenda, check out my Wealthy Affiliate review!

Just keep one thing in mind, this won’t happen overnight! But if you are a type of fella that can follow a blueprint, if you are willing to take action, then you can turn your passion into a thriving online business!


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