Do you want more traffic on your blog? Do you follow the latest SEO tips but still wonder why is my blog not getting traffic?
Great news! You're not alone, and many people wonder the same thing.
Getting more visitors to your blog isn't as easy. It takes a lot of time, dedication, and strategy to get more visitors to your blog.
You could spend days, weeks, months, or even years trying to figure out how to get more visitors to your blog and not see results. However, you don't have to wait any longer. In this blog post, we will share with you 10 tips on how to get more traffic to your blog.
I know these tips are guaranteed to work because I've tried them myself several times on my own websites and blogs.
So, let's get started with our blog traffic tips and strategies guide.
This is how I make my money online.

Content is King
One of your top priorities should be to create high-quality content when you start your blog.
To attract more visitors, you have to keep your readers coming back to your blog regularly with new and exciting content that they can learn from.
Always make sure that:
- Choose topics related to your niche (the more relevant your blog content is to the audience you're targeting, the more likely they will be to visit your blog regularly)
- You post high-quality blog content (high-quality content is the key to attracting more traffic, it will keep your readers interested and make them want to come back for more)
- Be unique (You want to make sure that your blog stands out from all the other blogs out there that are trying to attract the same traffic)
The good news is that there's a whole lot that you can do to make your blog content stand out.
- Write excitingly (Make sure that your blog content is written in an exciting way for your readers. If the content isn't interesting, your readers will lose interest)
- Proper use of pictures and visuals (Make sure that you're adding many images and visuals to your blog related to your blog's topic)
- Be genuine (You don't want to pretend to be something you're not)

Blog About a Niche
You must choose a niche that you enjoy and one that you are passionate about. Nobody else would either if you don't enjoy what you are writing about.
Staying consistent with posting on your blog about a specific topic will benefit you in several ways:
- It will be easier to rank on search engines (which is essential to drive more traffic to your blog)
- It will be easier to monetize (you know what your audience likes)
- Easier to create content (It's easier to create content about topics you are passionate about)

Write Consistent Content
Another thing you want to keep in mind is that you need to create consistent content on your blog.
Repetition is the key to mastery!
Do you think you can build muscle by doing one push-up per week?
The same thing applies here!
To build traffic to your blog, you need to create high-quality content regularly. No less than 3 times per week, ideally 5 to 7 times per week.
This will help your blog get more traffic and awareness. Search engines like Google and Bing love high-quality content that keeps readers interested.
You want to write content that's helpful for your target audience, solves their problems, and answers their questions.
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Optimize your Blog for Speed
One of Google's rank metrics is site speed, so make sure to do everything possible to keep your website blazing fast.
Things like optimizing your images file size, using a cache, and lazy loading plugins can help you with this.
Ideally, you want to ensure that the images file size you use in your blog content is under 80kb.
You can optimize image file size without sacrificing image quality using free tools like canvas and photopea.
Also, keep the number of plugins to the bare minimum and use premium optimized themes.

Use the Right Image for the Right Job
When writing a new post, you need an image right off the bat, the featured image.
This image will be the cover of your post on your blog roll and on every social media share, so make sure it:
- Suits the topic of your blog post
- It's eye-catching and noticeable
- It's the right size, so it looks good on every platform
A good featured image can BOOST your social shares by 150%
It's a good practice to have some sort of featured image template where you just have to change colors and photos. It will make your life easier, and people can identify it as your "brand."
As for the rest of the images you use within your post, make them look consistent in "image size"; it will look more professional.
Gifs can also be a good add if used correctly!

Why is My Blog Not Getting Traffic?... SEO!
To ensure that your blog posts have a good chance of ranking and getting to the top of search engines, you will want to optimize them.
First, you need to write a blog post with intent, and for that, you need to find a niche relevant keyword to write about.
There are specific on-page SEO techniques that you can use to have a higher chance of getting ranked on Bing, Google, and Yahoo.
You can include keywords in your titles, headings, subheadings, and meta description.
You can use the primary keyword above the fold, and of course, don't forget to add the alt attribute on your images.
A good post structure is also beneficial to ranking metrics... every bit count!
Featured Article from!
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Be transparent and authentic
By being transparent and authentic, you're letting your readers in on your day-to-day life, getting them to know you better.
Giving advice on personally dealing with niche-related situations and providing practical examples will build trust with your audience.
This is the first big step to boosting your conversion rates because people will actually buy from who they trust!
If you can make your audience feel connected to you and want to learn more about you and your blog, you are on the right track to increasing your blog traffic and sales.

Write Guest Posts for Different Blogs
If you are not doing guest posting, you're missing out on a huge opportunity to get more traffic to your blog.
Guest posting is a great way to build credibility and backlinks to help your off-page SEO.
You need to follow the guidelines laid out by the site you want to post on to get approved.
You can post on any topic you want as long as it is relevant and resonates with the blog's audience you are posting to.
Writing guest posts for other people's blogs will, in time, increase the visibility and authority of your own blog.

Ask for feedback from your readers
Every piece of content you produce should have a way for your readers to give you feedback.
Ask them what they thought of the post and how they felt about it.
This is not only a way to get feedback and improve your writing. It's also a great way to get feedback and new content ideas.
You can either leave a question blank or ask them to share how they felt about the post. This will show your readers that you value their thoughts and opinions.
If you receive negative feedback, don't ignore it. Most readers are looking for ways to improve their content, so don't be afraid of constructive criticism. Instead, use the feedback to help you produce even better content in the future.

Be Proactive with Google Analytics
Another blog traffic tip on how to get more traffic to your blog is to be proactive with Google Analytics.
You want to be tracking your website traffic as much as possible.
If you know where your traffic is coming from and what keywords are driving them to your site, you can strategize a plan to get more traffic.
You can also adjust your blog's content to better fit the needs of your readers and optimize your sales funnels to increase conversion rates.
Wrapping It Up
Why is My Blog Not Getting Traffic? Because you had no time to implement my 10 tips yet!
Get your hands dirty, and you'll be on your way to getting more traffic to your blog in no time!
Implement these tips into your blogging strategy today; you'll be glad that you did!
PS: Let me know which one(s) you are not doing yet!
Last Updated on May 3, 2022