Is your blog receiving the attention it deserves? Perhaps you haven't started your blog because you can't decide on a name or a theme. Maybe you want to create a second blog but want to "do it right" this time. Now you're contemplating, "should I name my blog after myself?"
Before deciding on a name, weigh the branding benefits and drawbacks. You only have a few seconds to make an excellent first impression on your website or potential visitors. If your blog or business name does not accurately represent what you stand for, people will click away.
You didn't start your blog to have drive-by visitors, did you? No, you want to build a community, get comments, and encourage people to subscribe and return for more. This begins with your branding, specifically your blog or business name.
Should I Name My Blog after myself?
In almost every case, naming your blog after yourself is a good idea. This way, you'll start building your brand right away. You will also be able to stand out because of your unique blog name. However, there are some drawbacks to using names as blog titles. For example, if your name is unappealing or difficult to spell, you may turn off readers. Consider your options carefully and choose what is best for you in the long run.
Advantages Of Naming Your Blog After Yourself
Your name is Unique

There are over 1.9 billion websites online, and the number is increasing each second. At this point, coming up with unique, catchy, and creative blog names is nearly impossible. Using your name, assuming it is not already used by someone else, helps you stand out.
Yes, you won't get points for creativity, but from a practical standpoint, you win because you know no one else will use that name. If you also buy domains with common misspellings, you'll be able to dominate the tiny SEO niche you'll create as your reputation grows. Try searching for a website using a name; their search results will show you how well this can work for you.
Building Your Personal Branding

Many bloggers strive to establish a solid personal brand. Unless you want your site to focus on business rather than personal blogging, if this is the case, you'll need to select a name title that fits well within the niche.
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However, if you want to start a blog to share your thoughts and ideas with the rest of the world, it is preferable to use a personal name brand. After all, you're attempting to establish yourself as someone whose opinion should be respected. You're starting a blog so that people can relate to you. This means they must see you as a person, not just an avatar with a strange nickname.
Of course, that could be an appropriate blog name in some cases. For example, nicknames are common in the gaming community. As a result, if you want to reach them, you must blend in. However, you will be promoting the avatar's personal brand even in this case. In other words, the cool creative nickname will be your name.
Limitless Niche

One of the primary benefits of naming your blog after yourself is that it provides complete flexibility. You can post on any topic you want and change them as you grow and reach out to new audiences. By the way, having this type of blog name from the start will allow you to target multiple audiences. Create several sub-sections on your website and fill them with optimized content. The SEO magic will then work to ensure that links to your posts appear to different groups of internet users.
A beginner blogger can benefit greatly from this kind of versatility. This will also make later transitions to a new specialization easier. Remember that people will come to associate you with relevant opinions, not specific topics. Demonstrating your knowledge of multiple subjects will increase your overall authority.
Builds Credibility

By naming your blog after yourself, you effectively show yourself online as a real person rather than a faceless avatar. That's how your readers will perceive you, and it's why they'll be able to relate to and trust you so easily.
According to this viewpoint, the content you post online is not a collection of words but rather the opinions of a real person. A person whose feelings are vulnerable. A person with actual life experience whose opinions are worth considering.
If that's the image, you want to project with your blog, naming it after yourself is a huge advantage.
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Disadvantages Of Naming Your Blog After Yourself
Your name might have already been used

Simply put, naming your blog after yourself may be impossible by default if someone else is already using this name. Different spelling can work against you if the domain is already taken. In this case, people may find the other website by accident. The owner of the other domain might also object.
If your name is unappealing or difficult to spell, using it will only confuse your readers. In this case, using a blog domain name ideas generator is the best option.
You may be unable to sell the Website.

Some blogs were sold for vast sums of money. You make this deal nearly impossible by naming your blog after yourself. It is a problem for any personal brand. If you want to sell the company, you should consider rebranding it.
If you manage to sell it as is, keep in mind that you may run into problems later. For example, if you create social media accounts in your name, you may have a conflict with the new owners.
Your Blog Must Be Kept Personal

If you name your blog after yourself, you must personally interact with the readers, post your photos, and so on. This will have to be a personal business; otherwise, the name will be meaningless.
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Tips On Naming Your Blog
If you still can’t decide whether you should name your blog your name or not, here are the tips that you should consider that could help you in your decision-making.

Choose a niche for a profound reason— not just for the money.
Before you choose a blog name, you should consider what you'll be writing about. I want to warn you not to get sucked into specific topics or niche markets just because they're famous now.
There are unquestionably trends in the blogging world, and you don't want to be one of the latecomers.
Avoid picking a topic because you believe it will be profitable. Your readers can tell if your heart isn't in it. Nobody wants to spend a lot of time creating a blog, only to abandon it after a few months.
Choose a topic you are genuinely passionate about and can see yourself writing about in the long run.
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Like your company name or logo, your domain name is an integral aspect of your brand so check out How To Choose A Domain Name to help you on this important decision.
Choose a targeted name that is both catchy and relevant to your topic
The other blog naming tip is to choose a name that describes the subject of your blog. By reading the blog's name, you can tell what the blog is about and what you can expect.
There are numerous advantages to using a targeted keyword and title. Including a similar word or phrase in your title will improve your SEO. Furthermore, people will more likely remember how to spell your domain name. You can start a new trend by creating a fun, memorable brand and blog name.
An issue with specific blog names is that we are all evolving and changing human beings. We cannot expect our blogs to remain static than our cells to cease regenerating. One way to deal with varying opinions is to broaden your blog name.
You may also lose some blogging zeal if you become bored with writing about the same topics year after year. Finally, choose a specific name for your blog only if you can see yourself sticking to it for at least a few years.
Pick a name that expresses something
Another thing I'd like to warn you about is choosing a name with no meaning or, worse, meaning that your readers aren't interested in.
Avoid names with no deep meaning, such as "Best of Life" or "Thoughts on Being Rich." You don't want something so generic that people will quickly forget it. This isn't to say you can't come up with a great name that is both simple and conveys your topic effectively.
Final Thoughts
If you've been stuck in the planning stages of your blog and have yet to create one, now is the time. You can always change your name later, so get started on your blog!
Keep in mind that you have the option of branding yourself or creating a memorable, targeted name. Choose a topic that interests you and you intend to write about for many years. Finally, when deciding on a name, consider the opinions of your friends and family.
Last Updated on July 26, 2022