Is Skillshare a Scam? Can You Really Learn From Skillshare?

Last Updated on May 4, 2022

Is Skillshare a Scam? I know that in our generation today, learning and earning money is possible just by having an internet connection. This is what they called freelancing or working from home. It can be one of the reasons why you are checking this unbiased review. It’s either you are interested in getting to know more about Skillshare or you are checking how legitimate is earning money by being an online teacher of Skillshare.

With this review, I will let you know in depth what Skillshare can offer whether it is good or bad. All of your answers will be answered at the end of this review and will make sure that it will contribute a lot to your final decision in trying Skillshare. I don’t want you to keep on waiting, so let’s dig into details!

Product Name: Skillshare
Founder: Michael Karnjanaprakorn
Logo: is skillshare a scam
Product Description: It is an online-based platform that provides training videos for skill upgrade and gives the opportunity to aspiring teachers to teach online on the comfort of working from home.
Best For: People who are looking for work to be done at home. Those who are looking to learning videos that can help them to improve the skills that they have.

Skillshare is an online platform offering free and paid courses to encourage the imagination, enthusiasm, and curiosity of students. Skillshare has become more accessible to iOS and Android users with over 5 million users and more than one thousand teachers around the world.

Product Currency: USD

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What is Skillshare?

Skillshare is an online learning community for creators. We're on a mission to unlock universal access to learning. You can choose from thousands of classes ...

Recommended: NO


What is Skillshare Original?

Skillshare is an online learning platform with over 4 million students and more than 23000 courses or videos to offer. It was founded by Michael Karnjanaprakorn in early 2010 with his power up team in New York. Skillshare is paying 5 million teachers around the globe who help them accomplish their mission to help people learn new things through the use of their courses and online videos created by the teachers.

Skillshare is hiring people to be one of their online teachers to create helpful videos and can be watched by their members. You can teach different kinds of skills like fashion, graphic designing, film, and photography. There are a lot of categories that Skillshare can offer, that is why they are continuously hiring new teachers to help them with online tutoring.

is skillshare a scam

How Does Skillshare Work?

If you are someone who is on a budget but wants to try and learn more skills on Skillshare, you can take advantage of its free trial for 60 days. However, just like the other free services all around the internet, since you are on a free trial mode, your features and access are only limited. There might be some courses that you want but will require you to have a paid account.

Maybe some of you will ask if how much is the membership fee on Skillshare. Based on my research and on their website, it will be $15 per month but they also offer a promotion that if you are going to pay for the whole year subscription you will just need to pay $99, which is around $8 per month if you are going to compute it. That is a big saving as well especially if you will constantly use the platform.

is skillshare a scam

With this, both subscriptions of Skillshare, either paid or not. You will have access to over 20000 videos that will give you the advantage to learn and enhance any skills that you want. As I tried Skillshare to see what it offers, each video will give you step-by-step instructions on how you can easily learn that specific skills. For the 60-Day Free trial, it is long enough for you to check out the website and videos and see if it is worth it for you to subscribe to a paid account.

is skillshare a scam

The big difference between paid subscriptions to the free trial is being a teacher on Skillshare. Once you have a paid subscription aside from the access to all the features, you can also earn as a teacher. What does this mean? You can start earning by sharing your skills and creating your own classroom on Skillshare and they will be going to pay you. The salary is going to be based on how many students visits your class, but as per Skillshare, you can earn as much as $40000 per year if you are a top teacher of Skillshare.

Can You Make Money With Skillshare?

How much does Skillshare pay per minute? This is mostly the question of the people who are looking to try Skillshare. However, Skillshare is not paying per minute, they are paying the teachers or contributors based on the number of students who visited the class. Skillshare does not disclose any information on how much it will be. This especially feature is only available on a paid account.

And to answer the question, yes, you can make money with Skillshare by being a teacher or contributor of courses through a paid account of $15 per month. I know that not all of us are fully-skilled or into teaching so this may not be effective to others, don’t worry there are a lot of alternative ways that you can try to earn money online.

What I Don’t Like About Skillshare.

This is one the important part of a review, the things that I think would contribute to your final decision. Here are the things that I don’t like about Skillshare.

Not accredited by BBB.

Is Skillshare accredited by BBB? This is one of the questions I found over the internet. And unfortunately, Skillshare is not accredited by Better Business Bureau which plays a big role in any company. Most of us are basing the legitimacy of a company if they have a good rating at BBB and most important is accredited.

is skillshare a scam

Teaching styles vary.

Since this platform is open for everybody to be one of the contributors to courses or let say a teacher. The teaching styles and the way of teaching may be different than the usual, given that not all the teachers in Skillshare are licensed to teach. It may have an effect on you like chances of not getting the knowledge of what the treachers wants you to adapt.

Receiving a lot of negative feedback.

Skillshare is getting a lot of complaints all over the internet especially about automatic payment. Most of their members are having issues with stoping the payment from Skillshare once they decided to cancel it. You might need to call on their support to ask for assistance about this kind of issue.

is skillshare a scam

What I Like About Skillshare.

Behind all the negative feedback that Skillshare is getting, there are things that I personally like about them that you can still look forward to joining them.

High-quality courses.

Skillshare offers a lot of high-quality courses, I am not saying that all of the courses At least a part of the courses are really made by teachers who have the profession in doing the teaching. I personally tried it before and I saw effective courses that I also benefit from.

is skillshare a scam

Offering 60 days free trial.

Is Skillshare really for free? I know there are some platforms who also offer a free trial but not all of them offer two months of free subscription. It could also a big help especially if you want to test out things on that specific platform and see if that will work for you or not.

Is Skillshare a Scam? My Final Verdict.

And we down to our conclusion. As I have tried the service and made a research about Skillshare, I can say that they are not a scam. They really offer courses wherein you will learn a lot and there are real people who earn money for extra as a teacher in Skillshare. Maybe is not accredited by BBB that makes other people think that they are a scam, but they are not.

If you end up trying Skillshare there is no problem with that, it is still something to look forward to since they have a free trial as well. And if you think that Skillshare is not for you, you can try to check my Wealthy Affiliate Review where you can learn other ways to earn money in a legit and easy way.

May this “Is Skillshare a Scam” review serves its purpose and if you have suggestions and feedback feel free to leave that on the comment box below. Cheers!


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