Blog Traffic Blueprint Review

Last Updated on May 4, 2022

Welcome to my ‘Blog Traffic Blueprint Review’! Let me guess; you’re probably eyeing for trends in building a unique personal brand or niche website– blogging is one of the best options available in the market for someone who wants to execute precisely that.

Jon Morrow can testify that principle for he became tremendously successful at blogging that he earned his epithet the “Mr. Blogger” himself. He emerged and became one of the most recognized blogging personal brands across the internet channels. And despite his everyday circumstances, that he endures continuously, he doesn’t stop in flourishing his online success history.

That’s why, in my opinion, he stands atop as the best-tapped person to learn the overall blogging and business in general.

Jon Morrow has already created many valuable courses that I’m planning to enroll, but let’s first put the spotlight on his Blog Traffic Blueprint. Are you ready to learn and apply these methods to make your posts viral and boost your regular traffic? Sure, you are! Let’s start with a quick overview.

Product Name: Blog Traffic Blueprint
Founder: Jon Morrow
Logo: Blog Traffic Blueprint Logo
Product Description: Blogging Traffic Course
Best For: Content creators that seek non-stop improvements on their craft.
This blogging course is brought to you by Jon Morrow, which explains a detailed, step-by-step walk-through of five unique blogging traffic strategies. It uses real-life scenarios that will help you determine which trend works and not.
Recommended: YES!


What Is Blog Traffic Blueprint?

Blog Traffic Blueprint Homepage

Blog Traffic Blueprint is a full blog traffic course ever made. It offers you the complete walk-through of every strategic traffic ever existed. 

Here, time would not be wasted trying to figure out which method is fitting for you. It’s comprehensive with in-depth, step-by-step instructions of every blog traffic master plan.

This is brought to by Jon Morrow or also known as Mr. Blogger himself. Blog Traffic Bluprint begins with a complete walk-throughs of various effective blog traffic strategies. 

It aims to thoroughly teach the five significant strategies and select the best one for increasing traffic that can make your posts viral. Jon Morrow practically uses real-life scenarios to show where they function and where they do not. So, who is Jon Morrow?

Meet Jon Morrow A.K.A Mr. Blogger,

Jon Morrow a.k.a Mr. Blogger

Who is the man behind Blog Traffic Blueprint and Mr. Blogger’s persona? Jon Morrow is the mastermind behind these popular and viral blogs. You may have seen him from various blog platforms like Unstoppable and SmartBlogger or formerly known as Boost Blog Traffic.

His passion for blogging has a chain reaction that was launched back in 2012. SmartBlogger, or formerly known as Boost Blog Traffic, has over 150,00 email subscribers and counting. His business generates a monthly income of $100,000 from sharing others what he exactly does best: writing and blogging.

Mr. Blogger was born with a genetic disorder called spinal muscular atrophy, that slowly weakens the body until it is limited to move and eventually die. Above all, he’s defying the odds no matter what situation he’s in.

His unwavering entrepreneurial spirit pushed him to programming video games at an early age of twelve. From video game creator to real estate developer, Jon manifested business success in different spaces. But he took off when he discovered blogging.

Jon knew that it’s the perfect opportunity to appraise his career when the real estate industry recessed big time. Though he made seven figures in development projects, he lost more than he earned in the crash. So it was time to carve a brand new path.

He thought that since he can think and talk, he found blogging. And even if the only parts of his body that he can control are his eyes and lips, this hasn’t discouraged him. Whereas regular people type out their blog contents, Jon uses speech recognition automation. That not too long aided him to build an empire.

Jon Morrow could have used his real identity to start his brand. But Jon Morrow chose not to; instead, he lets his writing skills speak for itself. His wise decisions to brand his content and the success of his blogs boosted his credibility in the industry that earned him the epithet of Mr. Blogger.

What You’ll Learn Inside Blog Traffic Blueprint

What You’ll Learn Inside Blog Traffic Blueprint

All in all, it’s a twenty-six (26) video lessons teaching you everything you need to know in choosing your preferred traffic strategy. Here, you’ll find a comprehensive step-by-step walk-throughs of the five blog traffic master plan he articulately created.

Jon Morrow could quickly sell these as separate courses. Still, he abundantly chooses to offer these five courses altogether so you wouldn’t waste time figuring out which blogging training is for you, all you need is already packed in one place and ultimately for the price of one!!

Real-life scenarios are showing you correctly which strategies work and not. In case you were wondering, this course is not just a set of vague guesses. Throughout the pieces of training, it will offer you unlimited real-life possibilities. And by the moment you finish, you won’t have to guesswork why everything went according to plan because you’ll get it with your own understanding.

Support is given to make sure that you landed on the right traffic strategy. In each training, Morrow has broken down exactly where the plan functions well and not. You’ll be walked through on how to anchor your personality and which niche is for you, making sure you’re in the right place.

Moreover, there are authoritative resources to help you master each of the five strategies offered. Blog Traffic Blueprint teaches you the basics of all five strategies and even more. And for each approach, it includes a set of reliable resources and recommendations for further review. But here’s the catch,

Not All of These Five Strategies Will Work for You

Not All of These Strategies Will Work for You

Jon Morrow bluntly states the fact and just being straight with you as there is no single traffic strategy that works for everyone. If anyone tells you otherwise, close that door and ignore them because they are either lying to you or being so ignorant that they should be stopped before they can harm anyone.

The good news is, Jon Morrow is not just giving you a single strategy; instead, you’re getting five unique traffic strategies backed up by real-life scenarios, and it shows you exactly where they can be of help and don’t.

Chances are, only one of them will work entirely on your end, and the others would not. However, here’s the thing; all you need is the right one. Once you find the right traffic strategy, the smartest action you can make is to focus on it and disregard everything else. Stop reading other blog posts, listening to various podcasts or enrolling other courses, and just stay focus.

I know you can do more even without such learning curve, read my Wealthy Affiliate Review and discover with how many figures you can make online without hustling outside your humble abode!

Introducing the Five Unique & Smart Traffic Strategies

30-days money-backed guarantee and SSL protected.

1. The Mafia Method

2. The Rocky Technique

3. The Fan Base Formula

4. The Infiltration Game

5. The Traffic Shortcut

That’s it; there’s nothing else. Once you have learned these five unique and smart traffic strategies, there are no other strategies to learn.

Price starts at $62 only, and if you chose a one-time payment, that would cost around for $497, with 30-days money-backed guarantee and a 100% secure transaction at bay.

So are there other techniques? Yep, there are different techniques that Jon Morrow openly shares and might be useful on your blogging journey. I’ll let you walk through it.

Jon Morrow’s Blogging & Writing Techniques

So how does Jon Morrow works? How does he generate such insanely popular blogs with such faithful followings? It all comes down to the Jon Morrow Blogging & Writing technique. After years of victory, writing blogs, Morrow has already understood what it takes to transform a blog from zero to one hundred real quick.

As expected from Mr. Blogger himself, his ways of building a blog are far different from others. Unlike other bloggers that suggest creating content for your blog instantly, Jon Morrow prefers building up a faithful audience first. Moreover, he argues that creating a subscriber list is a crucial step to make a blog successful.

Because according to him, if you dive into content creation, there would not be anyone to check and read your work without any audience. Form an audience through a combination of building email lists, guest blogging, and social media marketing. Let’s take a close look at how to make a blog the Jon Morrow way:

Establishing a pre-launch page

Just because you shouldn’t make content right out the gate doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t set up your website. Jon Morrow suggests establishing a pre-launch page for your web. This of this as a snippet of the whole page. The critical information to provide on this page includes the purpose and goal of your site. Inform the visitors what it is all about, and create some sort of compelling with this page. A flash of interest, then use this advantage to build emails for your email list.

Hosting free giveaways

Just like me, everyone likes a freebie. In my opinion, there’s no better way to attract new visitors than hosting free giveaways. One of my favorite and straightforward ways to make freebies is a unique series of articles and blog posts. Of course, these are only open to those visitors that had subscribed to your email list. You could place this information on your pre-launch page to generate even more attention and anticipation.

Social media ads

Venture to social media and advertise your new site. Generally, this is the most effective trend if you already have a robust social media experience. You can use various internet marketing tools to accelerate your followers. If you don’t, then this is another box where the significance of guest blogging comes into the scene. Just make sure the website you guest blog posts your work on their social media accounts with links back to your own.

Do guest blogging

Jon Morrow is one of the advocates for guest blogging. Although many have claimed that the benefits of guest blogging are long gone, however, Morrow believes that this is the farthest thought from the truth. He thinks a well-thought guest blogging strategy is still the prime way to attract new subscribers and point visitors.

Not only does guest blogging posts give bloggers more exposure, but it also gives them credibility and authenticity, mainly if the guests’ posts are for attested websites. The key is to keep at it. Make several guest posts on different blogs and track the growth of each. You’ll then find that some do much, and others are not.

Replicating these successful posts in the future is also a smart thing to do. Though Morrow discusses his top guest blogging trends in personal detail, the key is to choose a blog that you’re passionate about that has a good set of keywords and a highly-engaged audience. Also, you should be familiarized with the blog, so you can naturally make content and inspire those users to keep coming.

Build Content

It’s natural to come to a point when you should start creating your blog content rather than just do guest blogging. But you need to decide the perfect time when to make the transition by tracking your possible audience.

Don’t start building content onto your blog until you’ve settled a good number of following that will read it. And my unsolicited tip, Just like Jon, don’t ever stop guest blogging. Even high-profile bloggers like Jon Morrow continue to write guest blogs regularly also if his websites are exceptionally well.

Blog Traffic Blueprint Review, the Bottom Line

Blog Traffic Blueprint Review, the Bottom Line

Blog Traffic Blueprint by Jon Morrow is legit and can be useful for building your personal brand. You can give your subscribers an intimate look at who you are, your purpose and goals, and what you stand for the blogs you tell. Because whether you like it or not, people are more likely to remember who you are if you’re writing skills resonates with them.

Jon Morrow, despite his situation, completely understands this critical matter. And that is why he’s so successful even without ever using his real identity at first. However, you need to do blogging a lot. You’d need to establish a personal brand of a successful blogger, meaning you need to write prolifically. 

Also, remember that the contents you’ll be posting will provide value to the right audience. Just like when you plan for a heist, the same amount of planning needs to make into your blogs. And don’t be afraid to be authentic and a little playful.

So that ends my ‘Blog Traffic Bluprint Review’! I sincerely hope that it gave insights you need. If you want a question from the post above, don’t forget to drop a comment or two down below. ’til we meet again, see ya! Are you interested in making money online? Click me!