Last Updated on January 14, 2023
Welcome to my Amazon Cash Websites review! Wow, Amazon. It goes without saying that Amazon is one of the biggest powerhouses when it comes to e-commerce websites. Known for having a wide range and variety of products, there’s this outsider system attaching itself to this world power.
You may have clicked on a link to an advertisement for Amazon Cash Websites, a new work-from-home program. They appear to make large profits for their members by utilizing the Amazon network.
Amazon Cash Websites is a work-from-home opportunity that seems to claim itself as the best funnel to tap into the riches of Amazon and have you earning thousands by the end of the week.
Curious like a cat, I wonder if there’s a chance that this website may be saying the truth, but I also kind of just expected the worst, honestly. I have lived long enough to know that if something seems too good to be true – then it might just be.
I took a look inside Amazon Cash Websites because I thought to myself that it might be legit and, to be honest, it’s because there’s the word Amazon. As I was frolicking around the pages, the vibe gave off an odd sense of familiarity – to be specific, the familiarity of a scam! Ha – I knew it.
Is Amazon Cash Websites a scam? The universe has spoken but before we jump to conclusions, let me introduce you to this system first – if there is even one in the first place, by telling you what it’s all about on the surface, what it REALLY is from the inside, and if this is an outright scam everyone should stay away from!
What is Amazon Cash Websites?

Amazon Cash Websites, by theory, is a website with a system that provides you with multiple affiliate websites having the ability to generate thousands of money on a weekly basis that runs on autopilot. This means all you have to do is work for an hour or so every day and have money streaming into your account.
Where the money comes from is unknown. My guess is this website taps into the riches of Amazon itself and redirects all of it to you. What do you think about it? A work-from-home opportunity coming from Amazon and all the riches you can imagine to live the life you have always wanted.
Well, sorry to break it up to you, but all of this is just theoretical. It’s the model that’s supposed to take place, but I don’t see it happening anytime soon.
Amazon Cash Website is supposedly created by none other than Chris. I’m sorry for the awkward introduction, but that’s all the information I could find on the owners of the website. Plus, this Chris doesn’t even seem to be a real person.
It’s all storytime of how he was able to make thousands of money with Amazon Cash Websites, and that’s just it. Whether or not my guess is true, we’ll find out later on.
In this Amazon Cash Websites review, I’m going all out to expose this system once and for all. What I’ve said before is how things should have been with this website from the very start. Now, let me tell you what’s really happening.
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The Truth Behind Amazon Cash Websites
You see, there’s no system that automatically generates a fortune without having to do any work. That’s called a delusion.
Well then, what gives with Amazon Cash Websites? Here’s a simple answer – nothing. Yeah, you read that right. You pay $47 to enter the system only to find out in the end that there’s no such thing. As I was scrolling through the webpages, all of the links lead to one single external domain – Money Sucking Website.

Money Sucking Website or MSW is just another system that allows you to generate easy and large amounts of money. But of course, it’s no surprise that this website is just another scam without the intention of giving a single cent to people. Amazon Cash Websites is nothing but a sales funnel to this notorious scam, and I’m not having any of it.
Plus, do you think they only want some measly $47 from you? Think again. There’s nothing Amazon Cash Websites wants more than to make more money from you. Money Sucking Website will also have you paying another $47 and entice you to buy more of their upsells until you have nothing left.
You sign up with at least half a hundred dollars with the hopes of gaining thousand-dollar returns, but then again – it will just stay as false hope forever. Don’t get played by Amazon Cash Websites and don’t be lazy!
Amazon Cash Websites will not give you multiple affiliate websites that supposedly run on autopilot to generate money from thin air. To think that affiliate marketing is a business model that pays you a thousand dollars on a weekly basis is a huge mistake, and to think that this requires little to no work is an even bigger mistake.
Listen up, affiliate marketing is not some money-making machine you can set up within just a few hours of work every day. Sure, the amount of money Amazon Cash Websites claims you can earn is possible with affiliate marketing. However, it will take you months or years on end to start earning that kind of money!
On top of that, you’re going to have to work your ass off like crazy. Heck, you’re going to need more than 24 hours a day!
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Nor will this website tap into the riches of Amazon. Hell, this is not even related to Amazon! Think about it, why will Amazon be linked to something as scandalous and cheap as Amazon Cash Websites? Honestly, Amazon should be suing the owners of this website!
Oh, and if you sense some familiarity with all these, it’s because you might have encountered Amazon Cash Websites in a different domain before. You should be more careful because they are available in a bunch of different domains such as,, and many more.
You see, Amazon Cash Websites aims to victimize those people who don’t have any idea about affiliate marketing and scammers will go to great heights just to steal more of your money. Scary, right? That’s why you should stay away from Amazon Cash Websites.
Is Amazon Cash Websites a scam? In this Amazon Cash Websites review, we’re going to find out the answer to that question in a bit! I think before we call something a scam, there must be fair and solid evidence.
I want to prove my point that this website is indeed a scam, and thankfully, I have dug enough dirt to convince you to stay away from this website as far as you can!
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Reasons Why Amazon Cash Websites is A Scam
A Sales Funnel to a Notorious Scam
Imagine receiving nothing after paying half a hundred dollars and rather get redirected to another website that wants more money from you and will also give you nothing in return. It’s just like a game of tag except that you’re really just chasing nothing. Congratulations, you just made a fool out of yourself. My condolences go out to the victims of Amazon Cash Websites.
Fabricated Earnings
Of course, what’s better bait than a screenshot of Chris’ earnings with Amazon Cash Websites? People will choose to believe in something once they see numbers. It’s a smart but sick and cheap strategy.

There’s just one problem though. This screenshot is from the new interface of Google Adsense. We’re talking about Amazon here, why is Google Adsense mixed up in this chaos?
The owner of this website isn’t really earning all that money from Amazon, he’s earning yours. And so he had no better and smarter idea to trick you. Instead, he’s giving Google AdSense a bad name and rep. Shame.
Not Related to Amazon at All
One not knowing about the real nature of this website would take the bait of signing up because of one thing – Amazon. Basically, the word Amazon is stuck there and knowing the power of Amazon, it definitely makes sense why some people have become fooled by this impostor. But Amazon Cash Websites is on a timer and will come to an end the day Amazon will sue it.
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It’s a Clone
Amazon Cash Websites is a rehashed version of the same scam – Real Profits Online. It’s basically the same school of thought. Asking you to pay for nothing and making you believe they have something to do with Amazon. This is just reborn with a new name.

Even the website still looks the same, I guess they got lazy. I’m also guessing the authorities have caught up and the owners just moved onto another domain.
Delusional Claims
Nobody is earning thousands of dollars through affiliate marketing with the littlest investment of two hours a day. One of the reasons I’m into affiliate marketing is that it could become a passive stream of income. Yes, that is true!
However, before you get to that level of bliss, you would have to go through the hell of building everything from scratch. Affiliate marketing is an online business and just like every other business that has ever existed, you’re going to have to put in all the effort you can.
Amazon Cash Websites is just taking its chances to victimize you in any case you have no idea how affiliate marketing really works. Well, now you know.
Fake Testimonials
I highly doubted this website really does its job for people, so I did some research of my own. Look here below, this is the family of Chris, some random guy who seems to claim that Amazon Cash Websites is the best choice he has ever made. Well, that’s a beautiful family, right?

But what do we have here? Yeah. You’ve seen it, this Chris does not exist because this is just a stock photo! No surprise there, this is the common workings of a lazy scammer.

Plus, the tweets you will see on the website claiming that Amazon Cash Websites is legit are nowhere near reality. Those tweets are not real, the people are not even real. I looked them up on Twitter and there’s nothing. So, what gives?

You guessed it right again. Stock photos.

What do I like About Amazon Cash Websites?
Nothing. This website provides you with nothing and will do you no good. Stay away.
Final Verdict: Is Amazon Cash Websites a Scam?
For sure, Amazon Cash Websites is a scam. All the evidence stack up perfectly to prove that this website is indeed a scam. They make you believe that they have a relationship with Amazon when in fact they don’t. It’s just a freeloader from this monster e-commerce platform. The website lets you pay for completely nothing, only to redirect you to another notorious scam.
On top of all these, they even have the guts to tell you that you can earn thousands through affiliate marketing with just the bare and minimal effort. That’s just sick, cheap, and gives affiliate marketing a bad reputation.
Bottom line, stay away from Amazon Cash Websites or else you’re going to make a complete fool out of yourself. Your honour, I rest my case.
You see, affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to generate money online. I’m not even kidding. Building your own online business with affiliate marketing can earn you sustainable income. What makes it even better is it becomes a passive source of income as you get to develop your online business into an empire.
However, unlike what Amazon Cash Websites says, it won’t take you just a measly investment of 2 hours a day. That will take you nowhere. Rather, it’s going to take more time, patience, effort, and determination than you have imagined. If this online business of yours gets built properly, it can become one of your most powerful assets.